Duldzin Dragpa Kadampa Buddhist Centre

Half-Day Course

Positive Approach to Difficult People

with Kadam Ai Peng McBretney

SAT 13 May | 10AM – 1.15PM | £20 per person

Discover the key to dealing with challenging relationships in a positive way, so you can maintain peace of mind, live in harmony with others and be more successful in life.

Are you being affected by negative people in your life? Do you find particular relationships challenging and frustrating?

You often find that relationships affect your state of mind. When they are going well, you are happy. When they are not, they can cause you much heartache and confusion. You want nothing more than to live in harmony with others.

On this half-day course, using Buddha’s timeless advice, you will look at why things can go wrong and learn practical methods to interact with your partner, family, friends, and colleagues—in fact, all those who share your life. You will learn how to respond to others with patience, respect, and care, and in turn to experience the satisfaction and stability these qualities will bring to your life.

This advice will help you achieve mental freedom and finally enjoy your relationships with more confidence, leading to happiness for yourself and others.

In this course you will learn how to:

Led by Kadam Ai Peng McBretney, our Resident Teacher. Includes teachings and guided meditation, with time for Q&A.

Everyone welcome!

Event Schedule

Teacher - Kadam Ai Peng McBretney

Kadam Ai Peng McBretney, the Resident Teacher of Duldzin Dragpa Centre, has studied and practised Kadampa Buddhism for many years under the guidance of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.

Through her experience of putting Buddha’s advice into practice, she presents the teachings in a clear and practical way that inspires us to develop inner peace, happiness and wisdom.

Discover the key to dealing with challenging relationships in a positive way, so you can maintain peace of mind, live in harmony with others and be more successful in life.

Book your place

£20 per person

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