Duldzin Dragpa Kadampa Buddhist Centre

Meditation Class

THURSDAYS | 7.30pm - 8.45pm

Class Dates

These classes are organised as short courses, usually 3 to 5 weeks long. You can attend the whole course or simply drop in whenever you wish.

Start 2025 ~ Choose Happiness

Wouldn’t it be great if we could simply choose not to be unhappy?

On this course we can learn how to make a determined choice to follow thoughts and ideas that lead to happiness and learn how not just be led by strong negative emotional habits. In this way we can wake up with happiness every day and know that we can always do this. What a way to start the New Year!

You will learn how to:

  • Find real happiness through meditation
  • Identify unhelpful thoughts
  • Stay positive and peaceful
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Building Resilience

This transformative meditation series explores some of the most powerful meditation techniques taught by Buddha, designed to cultivate mental strength and resilience in the face of life’s challenges. These extraordinary meditations also teach a special method to help others through combining imagination, wisdom and concentration. Join us on this journey toward deeper inner strength and lasting joy!

The course is based on the book How to Transform Your Life by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. This book offers many methods to solve our own and others’ problems. The instructions given in the book are scientific methods to improve our human nature. Everybody needs to be good-natured with a good heart, because in this way we can solve our own problems as well as those of others, and we can make our human life meaningful.

You will learn how to:

  • Stay calm and respond wisely
  • Avoid conflicts and disharmony
  • Find solutions to our daily problems
meditation classes

Book your place

Single - £10 per class

Bring your order confirmation to class, either a paper copy or on your phone to show at the class reception. You can pay in cash on the door if you are unable to book online.

Course cards are valid for 3 months and can be used at any of our weekly meditation classes. Bring your email receipt to class to exchange for your physical course card.

Venue Information

Grove Wood Primary School
Grove Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 8UA

meditation classes

User Reviews

Upcoming Events

Meditation Classes

Start 2025, Choose Happiness

From 13 Jan


Wake up with happiness every day and know that we can always do this. What a way to start the New Year!

Half-Day Course

Wake Up Smiling

Sat 15 Feb

10am - 1.15pm

Finding joy through meditation and positive thinking. As our mind becomes more positive and peaceful – we will begin to become the happy person we long to be.

Meditation Classes

Building Resilience

From 24 Feb


Explores some of the most powerful meditation techniques taught by Buddha, designed to cultivate mental strength and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.