Duldzin Dragpa Kadampa Buddhist Centre

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Prayers at the Centre

FREE for everyone to join

Prayers are special methods for generating positive states of mind and can be used as a basis for successful meditation on any of the stages of the path to enlightenment.

You are welcome to attend any of these prayers sessions in-person at the centre in Epping (contact us in advance) or online via Zoom. Make sure you only attend using this link when a session is running (see timetable below).

How would you rate your experience?
Do you have any ideas for topics or anything we could improve?

Upcoming Events

Meditation Classes

Start 2025, Choose Happiness

From 13 Jan


Wake up with happiness every day and know that we can always do this. What a way to start the New Year!

Meditation Retreat

The Good Heart of Cherishing Others

Sat 1 Feb

10am - 1.15pm

Through learning to cherish others we can see how our life transforms and our relationships with others becomes more stable and satisfying.

Half-Day Course

Wake Up Smiling

Sat 15 Feb

10am - 1.15pm

Finding joy through meditation and positive thinking. As our mind becomes more positive and peaceful – we will begin to become the happy person we long to be.