Duldzin Dragpa Kadampa Buddhist Centre

Half-Day Course

Letting Go: Dealing with Loss & Change

Sat 24 Feb
| 10am - 1.15pm
Epping, Essex
Develop a special wisdom that will help us to deal with the inevitable winds of change and loss in our lives and always remain calm, positive and happy.

with Special Guest Teacher – Kadam John McBretney

Resident Teacher of Heruka Kadampa Meditation Centre.

Losing the people and things that we love and dealing with unwanted changes in our lives is an experience that we often find deeply painful. Although we long to find lasting pleasure, comfort and security in other people and things, in the end none of them can stay with us forever.

On this course we will learn how, through meditation, we can develop a special wisdom that will help us to deal with the inevitable winds of change and loss in our lives and always remain calm and happy. We can become a strong, wise and peaceful person for the benefit of ourself and others.

You will learn how to:

Led by special guest teacher, Kadam John McBretney.
Includes teachings and guided meditation, with time for Q&A.

Everyone welcome!

Event Schedule

with Special Guest Teacher
- Kadam John McBretney
Resident Teacher of Heruka KMC

Kadam John

Kadam John McBretney is the Resident Teacher of Heruka Kadampa Meditation Centre. He has studied and practised Kadampa Buddhism for many years under the guidance of his Spiritual Teacher, the fully accomplished meditation master and internationally renowned teacher of Buddhism, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.

Kadam John explains how to use Buddha’s teachings to solve our daily problems and find real happiness. He teaches the three Study Programmes established by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, General Programme, Foundation Programme and Teacher Training Programme, through which he inspires everyone to develop wisdom and a good heart towards others so that we can develop and maintain happy, peaceful minds in our busy daily lives.

Kadam John

Date & Time

Sat 24 Feb,
10am – 1.15pm

Course Level

Suitable for beginners and those with some experience of meditation.​

Venue & Parking

Duldzin Dragpa Kadampa Buddhist Centre 5a Buttercross Lane, Epping, CM16 5AA No Parking Available (contact us for limited disabled parking)

Course Fee

Book in advance as spaces are limited.

Book your place

Standard Ticket
£25 per person

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